Coin Transfer

If you have reap coins, you can transfer these coins to any other account.

The following command is used to interact with the ReapChain Mainnet in order to facilitate the transaction.

./reapchaind tx bank send $MY_ADDRESS $RECIPIENT_ADDRESS $AMOUNT --node $NODE_IP --chain-id $CHAIN_ID --fees $FEE_AMOUNT --home $DIRECTORY --keyring-backend test

You will need to change the variables in the command:

  1. $MY_ADDRESS - Your address for your account

  2. $RECIPIENT_ADDRESS - The address you want to transfer some coins to

  3. $AMOUNT - The amount of coins you want to transfer and also the denomination (100reap)

  4. $NODE_IP - The IP address for a node in the Mercury TestNet. Currently you can use

  5. $CHAIN_ID - The ID for the blockchain. Currently you can use "reapchain_221230-1"

  6. $FEE_AMOUNT - The amount of fees you need to pay in order for a successful transaction. Currently the amount you have to pay is 0.0003reap.

  7. $DIRECTORY - The directory where you stored your keys when you created your account.

An example:

./reapchaind tx bank send  reap1rdwpue39cxt7meyp4t8v3ufs86sqx0hj95j6c5 reap1yklx36ud99wulgd5p805pkg34xsrarwqgtpqx6 100reap --node --chain-id reapchain_221230-1 --fees 0.0003reap --home test_dir --keyring-backend test

If successful the return messages should be:


confirm transaction before signing and broadcasting [y/N]: y

Checking Balance

In order to check your balance, you need to execute this command:

./reapchaind query bank balances $MY_ADDRESS --node $NODE_IP --chain-id $CHAIN_ID

You need to replace these variables:

  1. $MY_ADDRESS - Your address for your account

  2. $NODE_IP - The address for a node in the ReapChain Mainnet. Currently you can use

  3. $CHAIN_ID - The ID for the blockchain. Currently you can use "reapchain_221230-1"

An example:

./reapchaind query bank balances reap1rdwpue39cxt7meyp4t8v3ufs86sqx0hj95j6c5 --node --chain-id reapchain_221230-1

If successful, the return message should look like this:

- amount: "9979800"
  denom: areap
  next_key: null
  total: "0"

Last updated