Initial Setup

Binary File

In order for you to interact with the ReapChain main network, you will need to have an executable binary file. Currently, this file can be downloaded here:

Once downloaded, check the integrity of the binary file:

md5sum reapchain_Linux_x86_64.tar.gz
md5sum reapchain_Darwin_amd64.tar.gz

Your output must match the one shown below:

d571fe6855f2175623815b9d3fa92280  reapchain_Linux_x86_64.tar.gz
f47ff4537206e026075535c6119f03a6  reapchain_Darwin_amd64.tar.gz

If you want to compile your own binary package, please visit the Developers Guide section.

You can uncompress the binary file with this command:

tar -xvf reapchain_Linux_x86_64.tar.gz
tar -xvf reapchain_Darwin_amd64.tar.gz 

Once downloaded and uncompressed, please execute the following command to make the binary file executable

chmod +x reapchaind

Last updated